You might wake up in the middle of the night to hear your cat snoring like a chainsaw on the pillow beside you. It’s a common occurrence, with around 90 million Americans estimated to snore. While humans and dogs are more likely to rattle the hinges than cats, it’s still alarming to hear a snoring cat.
If your cat is a loud sleeper, you might feel a twinge of concern. So, let’s talk about cat snoring so you both can sleep soundly.
What is snoring?
Snoring is the result of air passing through the nasal passages causing vibration in the soft palate and other throat tissues. It can be quite loud and is usually most noticeable when a cat is lying on its side. Some cats may make a ‘honking’ sound or wheezing noise when they are snoring.
If you notice your cat making snoring noises even when awake, this could signal a health problem and it’s time to call the vet. However, most of the time, cat snoring is related to their sleep habits and not to any illnesses.

Cat sleeping habits.
Cats typically sleep anywhere between 12 and 16 hours a day, which is about twice as much as humans. For kittens or senior cats, even 20 hours of rest per day is not considered excessive.
When your cat snores, it is usually a sign that they are in a deep sleep. And most cats are experts at sleeping. In fact, many of our feline friends have specific preferences for where they like to sleep too — many cats prefer sleeping on a perch or near a warm source such as a sunny window.
Yes, snoring in cats can be a sign of a health issue. However, the loudness or frequency of snoring is not always an accurate predictor of whether a cat has a serious health condition. Snoring in cats can range from very soft and infrequent to quite loud and frequent.
Some cats may snore lightly when they are resting or sleeping, especially after eating or when they are particularly tired. This type of snoring is not usually cause for concern and can be considered normal behavior. However, if your cat’s snoring is louder than usual or more frequent than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue.
Signs that may indicate that your cat has a serious health condition include:
Labored breathing: If your cat’s breathing pattern seems labored or faster than normal, this could be a sign of a respiratory infection or other respiratory condition.
Wheezing or honking noises: If your cat makes wheezing or honking noises while awake or asleep, this could be a sign of respiratory issues such as allergies, asthma, or upper respiratory infections.
Change in behavior: If your cat’s behavior changes suddenly, such as becoming lethargic or less active than usual, this could be a sign of a health issue such as a respiratory infection or upper respiratory infection.
Loss of appetite: If your cat’s appetite decreases suddenly, this could be a sign of a health issue such as a respiratory infection or upper respiratory infection.
If you notice any of these signs in your cat, it is important to consult with your veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment recommendations.

Do cats snore while awake?
Many cats may make snoring or honking noises while awake, especially when they are in a deep sleep or are very relaxed. These noises are usually caused by the cat’s anatomy and can vary from cat to cat.
Cats have narrow nasal passages that can become blocked by mucus, allergies, or other debris. If a cat is breathing heavily through their nose, this can cause snoring and wheezing sounds. Additionally, some cats may have shorter than average nasal passages, leading to the same noise.
It is normal for cats to snore or make other noises while they are awake. However, if the snoring or wheezing persists for more than a few days, or if your cat appears to be having difficulty breathing, you should take them to the vet right away.

How can you make your cat stop snoring?
It can be worrying to hear your cat snoring, and it’s natural to want to do something to help them. Fortunately, there are a few measures you can take to decrease the likelihood of your cat snoring at night.
Firstly, ensure that your cat is sleeping in a comfortable environment. Keep your home at a comfortable temperature and check for drafts. Additionally, provide your cat with a warm and cosy bed to sleep in.
You should avoid giving your cat any sedatives or tranquilizers that may cause them to snore more than usual. Additionally, try to keep your cat active throughout the day, as this can help them sleep better at night.
If you think your cat might be snoring due to a medical condition such as a cold or allergies, then consider consulting a veterinarian. Your vet can diagnose your cat’s condition and provide advice on the best course of action. This could include changing their diet or taking medication to reduce the severity of their symptoms.
Finally, a clean litter box is also crucial for preventing snoring in your cat. If your cat has asthma or another respiratory illness, high-dust litter or foreign particles can enter your pet’s lungs and worsen its condition. Therefore, make sure to keep your box clean, and use a dust-free, eco-friendly litter.