With our cats as they age, their joints begin to feel the impact of a lifetime of activity on them. This can result in degenerative diseases, or osteoarthritis, becoming a common concern. Arthritis in cats is a widespread issue that is generally associated with symptoms such as:
• Stiffness
• Pain
• Lameness
• Slowed movement
• A general reluctance to move around.
And while a range of factors can contribute to the development of arthritis, such as injuries, scar tissue, genetic issues, toxicity, and deficiencies, there are still numerous natural methods of treating it.

Fortunately, if you provide your cat with the right combination of natural remedies, you can bypass all of the harsh conventional treatments that are available. Here are some natural options to treat your cat’s arthritis:
- Devil’s Claw: This herbal remedy is prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain. It is often used when pets are diagnosed with arthritis, but it shouldn’t be given if your pet is diabetic.
- Vitamins C and E, as well as dl-phenylalanine: These can be very effective for mild cases of arthritis. If the case is severe, adding sodium oxide dismutase, also known as SOD, can be effective. This is an antioxidant that provides anti-inflammatory properties.
- Boswellia (otherwise known as frankincense) and Ashwagandha: These are anti-inflammatory herbs that provide relief of stiffness and pain by shrinking inflamed tissues and increasing the blood supply to these areas in order to promote healing. Originating from an Ayurvedic (or holistic) approach to treating arthritis and pain, Ashwagandha also helps generate energy while counteracting the negative effects of stress on the body.
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin: These are also popular natural remedies that support healthy joints by enhancing the cartilage between the joints. These supplements can help halt the degeneration of the cartilage and help the body rebuild it.
- Pau D’Arco: This herbal remedy is known for relieving the pain caused by arthritis, which can promote mobility if your pet is having trouble getting around.
- Turmeric: Another commonly prescribed herbal remedy for animals suffering with arthritis because it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is also a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the liver and protects against myriad diseases.

Please note that all natural remedies should still only be used under a veterinary professional’s guidance. Many herbs can have alternative side effects if not dosed properly depending on the pet’s health condition and individual differences. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian before using any natural remedies to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment for your cat.
Pau D’Arco is a well-known herbal remedy for relieving the pain caused by arthritis, which can improve mobility if your pet is having difficulty moving around.

Turmeric is another commonly prescribed herbal remedy for animals suffering from arthritis because it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is also a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the liver and protects against various diseases.
Please note that all natural remedies should still only be used under the guidance of a veterinary professional. Many herbs can have alternative side effects if not dosed properly depending on your cat’s age, weight, and health conditions.